- Digital modulator/demodulator for continuous-phase modulation (CPM), including :
- MSK, GMSK (BT = 0.7,0.5,0.3 and 0.25),
- These constant envelope modulations are ideal for operation through power amplifiers near saturation.
- Flexible programmable features:
- Symbol rate up to 39.5 Msymbols/s
- Modulation index h [0.125 to 4]
- Coherent demodulation for h = 0.5. Non-coherent demodulation for all other modulation indices h.
- Frequency acquisition range > +/- 12% of symbol rate. Tracking symbol rates over +/- 50ppm around nominal setting
- Implementation loss < 0.5 dB down to Eb/No = 2dB. 4-bit soft-decision output (SOVA) for use by follow-on error correction
- Convolutional or Turbo-code FEC error correction
- TCP server for modulator data input and demodulator output. UDP server for demodulator output
- Built-in tools: PRBS-11 pseudo-random test sequence, BER tester, AWGN generator, internal loopback mode, carrier frequency error measurement
- Graphical User Interface is used for remote monitoring and control over a USB or TCP link
- Interface compatible with ComBlock RF receiver, RF modulator, ADC/DACs, RF transceivers
- Interface compatibility:
Latest firmware
FPGA latest configuration .bit file
ARM latest configuration .hex file
Related products
COM-1927 L/S-band continuous-mode CPM transceiver (digital + RF)
CPM modulator IP core
FSK/MSK/GFSK/GMSK demodulator IP core
SOQPSK modem IP core
PCM/FM demodulator IP core