- Continuous-mode digital modem for BPSK/QPSK/OQPSK modulation
- Programmable symbol rate, up to 40 MSymbols/s
- Convolutional or Turbo-code FEC error correction. V.34 scrambling
- Frequency reference: internal TCXO or input for an external, higher-stability 10 MHz frequency reference
- TCP server for modulator data input and demodulator output. UDP server for demodulator output
- Demodulator performance:
- BER: < 0.5 dB implementation losses w.r.t. theory
- Programmable frequency acquisition range
- Demodulator acquisition threshold (uncoded) Eb/No = 1dB
- Overall performance: 2.10-5 BER @ 4dB Eb/No for K=7 rate ½ FEC
- Built-in tools: PRBS-11 pseudo-random test sequence, BER tester, AWGN generator, internal loopback mode, carrier frequency error measurement
- Graphical User Interface is used for remote monitoring and control over a USB or TCP link
- Interface compatible with ComBlock RF receiver, RF modulator, ADC/DACs, RF transceivers
- Interface compatibility:
Latest firmware
FPGA latest configuration .bit file
ARM latest configuration .hex file
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COM-1905 L/S-band continuous-mode PSK transceiver (digital + RF)