Integrated PSK modem written in VHDL, including PSK modulation, demodulation, convolutional error correction encoding and decoding, V.35 scrambling, HDLC framing, TCP-IP network interface and USB 2.0 interface
Key features:
PSK (BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK) modulation
Continuous mode operation (i.e. Burst mode is not supported)
Convolution error correction, rates 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8
Serial HDLC to transmit empty frames over the synchronous link when no payload data is available
V.35 scrambling to randomize the modulated data stream
Maximum encoded data rate of 25 MSymbols/s when using a 100 MHz FPGA processing clock
Ancillary components are also included for streaming, test signal generation and bit error rate measurement
User interfaces:
Synchronous serial with elastic buffer or
TCP-IP server
VHDL source code included.
Includes the following VHDL IP packages: COM-5401SOFT, COM5402SOFT, USB20SOFT, COM-1010SOFT, COM-1509SOFT and COM-1202SOFT (PSK modulation only)