

Higher-performance newer-generation modules are now available: COM-1500/1800/1900
Develop custom signal processing applications on FPGA in VHDL language using this generic development platform
Xilinx Spartan-IIE XC2S300E-6 FPGA features 93,000 system gates and 64Kbit of dual port memory
The FPGA is suitable for synchronous signal processing at 80 MHz
SODIMM socket for SDRAM or other modules
Modules can be stacked for large VHDL design development
FPGA configuration remains in non-volatile flash memory and is automatically reloaded at power up
Graphical User Interface is used for remote monitoring and control over simple serial link. This includes loading FPGA configuration file into flash. No special cable nor serial EPROM is needed
This module is interface compatible with other pre-programmed ComBlock modules
Microprocessor automatically configures FPGA at power up
40 MHz on-board oscillator or external clock selection. Use FPGA DLL to double the clock speed for 80 MHz processing
ComScope-enabled: key internal signals can be captured in real-time and displayed on a host computer |
Connectorized 3”x 3” module for ease of prototyping. Standard 40 pin 2mm dual row connectors (left, right). Single 5V supply with reverse voltage and overvoltage protection. Interfaces with 3.3V LVTTL logic

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